After a month in my new post, I had to "flex" and help out where needed. I'd been loving said new post, so I was sad. Then I found myself less flexible than I thought I was, and I lost it a little.
There were a few other things eating at me too, and blahblahblah.
But then today happened.
And I have a bunch of work to do, BUT I just need to stop and record some of the highlights of an awesome day.
An awesome day that I really needed.
An awesome day that, if I had more time, I could write 10 posts about.
1. I got to do my "new" job again today. And it was one of my favorite days. ALS clinic. You might think that spending the day with people with a horrible illness would be horrible. But you would be wrong. For the most part, it is inspiring. It is awesome to see how families rally, how they not only "deal" but sometimes even thrive. It is amazing to be a part of a team that can provide them with resources, information and support. I love hearing about the cool things my colleagues do, and I love helping the patients myself.
2. I sent a, I think, non-whiny / non-bitchy email to my boss about some of my concerns. I was proud of it. I did 2 things that are very scary for me professionally -- admitting that my job is not my first priority (i.e. my family is), and admitting that I can't do everything well that they think I can do well (i.e. that there are limits to my flexibility). Both are true, and it might as well be known.
3. At some point, I posted a dorky thing on Facebook. My husband commented, and I did in fact "LOL" - and repeatedly for a good hour, thinking about it. And just the other day, I was trying to tell him that he wasn't funny. Here it is ---
4. My boss actually came & talked to me about my concerns. And actually did what was possible for now to help out. And I ended the conversation feeling better overall about the professional future. Weirdly. Because I do think that maybe I ended up looking less "upwardly mobile" or whatever. But then I realized that, at least for now, I don't mind.
5. My afternoon appointments cancelled, so I got to leave early. Which is funny, because longer hours was one of my concerns. (Ha!) soooo ... theeeen ...
6. I got my kiddo early & went to the park!! It was raining, but I didn't care. Neither did she. The rain stopped most of the time, and who cares about wet pants when the slide is awesome? Not us.
7. At home, I finished a book, while she watched a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. (Louise Erdrich's Porcupine Year. I guess it is for young readers, but I'm still young, right?)
8. Kiddo had earned 5 stars, so I gave her a new book from the goodie closet - Dinosours. How cute & heart-warming to watch her "read" it to herself a few times before giving me a turn. (A favorite song right now is "We are the Dinosaurs" by Laurie Berkner. Roar!)
9. This guy is AWESOME. His lullabies are put her out! And she is actually staying in bed longer since we got him.

10. Now I'm sitting here with wine & chocolate. The end.
(Oh, except that work I have to do! Please excuse any typos. Gotta run!!)
Excellent Angie! I've had some frustrating moments lately as well, especially because Amalia, who is now teething, is not sleeping like she used to. But then I look at my family and think, I am one lucky lady :) And then I just really really want to take a nap and know that it's not going to happen...
ReplyDeleteThanks, MJ. I'm really looking forward to looking at you & your family in person soon! :)