I believe small stuff can make a big impact. In health, in life, in the world.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Top 3 Tips for a Healthier Grocery Trip
Before you get started - by all means, choose good company!
In my case, my child is small enough not to ask for things etc. She's a good reminder of why to make healthy choices. She's also a hoot! Sometimes though, the grocery store is my "me time!"
Find what works for you & go with it.
1. Prioritize the perimeter.
Spend most of your time in the produce section. If half your diet should be fruits and vegetables, then it follows that half your cart should be too! (excluding the 4 bottles of body wash I bought this week.)
We used one of those little double-decker carts today. I filled the entire top in the produce section.
After produce, focus on fresh meat and dairy.
Within these sections, look for lean meats and low fat dairy.
Money can be a fair indicator too.
This week I spent about $100. $25 was in the produce section. I did spend more than usual on cosmetics & beer/wine this week - some of my faves were a steal!
2. Have a plan
If you're just getting started on healthier eating, I cannot overemphasize how important this is. Make an actual list. Start by planning your meals for the week, then list out the ingredients you'll need.
Recently, I've started going with just an outline of what I want to eat for the week. I have found that I have some go-to healthy meal patterns, and I prefer to freestyle based on sales and what looks good.
3. Don't shop hungry.
A basket of veggies and a good list won't help you if you're too hungry to resist the buy-one-get-one Oreos or Doritos!
I always fall into the hungry shopper trap and bam, I'm got $300 of groceries from Costco! I agree on the produce 100%!