Like, clinging to mommy or daddy's leg before even entering the building. Like waterworks & sincere drama when you try to go. Whichever lucky parent dropped that day might try to smooth things over, which usually made it worse.
Finally, we hit upon the oh-so-emotionally fulfilling solution -- Kiss & Run. No matter what - Kiss. And RUN.
Yes, there were tears. But they usually stopped before we even hit the main entrance.
I don't believe it was an intentional manipulation thing. Or at least, I believe it wasn't a maliciously intentional manipulation thing.
After a week or so of Kiss & Run, things have been a little easier the past 2 weeks. Who knows for sure why. We just hope it will last!
Our working theory is - letting her have breakfast at home instead of packing it to have when she gets to school.
Daddy thinks she was hungry & therefore more cranky. I think maybe it's just that little smidge of control that little folks need. She asked to eat at the table. We let her. Presto! -- She has control of her world.
Yes, sometimes (almost always) she dilly dallies. When it's my turn, I always squeak into work in the bare nick of time.
But it's worth it.
Yesterday, she had syrup on her face when I got her to school.
Who. Cares.
She didn't. She dove into dress-up with her little friends.
The teacher didn't. She said she'd take care of it.
I didn't. A sticky face is a small price to pay for a happy kid.
... and what a face! ... and what a kid ...
That's not syrup! No. It's chocolate frosting, from "welcome back, Oma" donuts last week.
I didn't take the time to photograph sticky face yesterday. I got while the getting was good!
Little folks do need a little control over their world. I remember the kiss and run method. I'd peak back through the window from where she couldn't see me and she would invariable be just fine.